Service Design Week 2021 - Ommatidio
We just got done with a super intensive week of Service Design. During this week we were expected to design a service that could be a part of the business model we are supposed to design for our client.
As we had realized earlier on that the problem at hand is an identity issue (military based) of our client and we shouldn’t be bothered about the technological possibilities as they have access to mind-blowing technology. Therefore, our team reached to a mutual decision that it would be better for our client to create a new company in order to avoid future problems.
This company will use the technology of Bellflight in order to use its drones in Europe, but other than that, this company will in no way be related to the military sector.
The service design week gave us the push that we needed. In order to design a service that is going to complement our business model we had to finalise the field we were going to focus on. Deciding the field where drones can be implemented as an alternative means of transport has been a difficult job. Initially, our team collectively decided on gathering research in the field of medicine because we thought if drones are assisting in the transportation of medical goods, the drone regulations in any city can be eased. But we soon reached to the conclusion that this might’ve been a possibility in cities with suitable infrastructure. The cities are not designed for having autonomous vehicles flying over them, neither are the people ready to accept this invasion of privacy, what they call it.
We switched fields, this time we focused more on the APT-70 model and drones in general. The basic question that arose was: What were the drones first made to do? This technology was initially made to be used as weapons, weapons that could reach remote areas, or areas where their troops might die at the hand of the enemies. But surely today, drones are used for a wide range of functions, including monitoring climate change, delivering goods, aiding in search and rescue operations, and in filming and photography. What we took out from this research was that we had to use drones to reach people living in remote areas, as they are difficult to reach and they can also provide a suitable infrastructure for the drone to fly.
In order to find market opportunities of drone implementation in this field, we considered certain basic commodities needed by people living in a remote area region, and we started understanding on how these commodities reaches remote areas. Because people do live in these areas, and they too have needs just like you and I. But even though a person chooses to live in a lost village in the Pyrenees, he too would enjoy the facilities or services that are provided by a nearby town. What we are trying to create here is a bridge between a remote village and a city/town nearby.
For us to have a better understanding of our challenge, we phrased it as following: “How might we help a resident of a remote village (area) to have hinder-less accessibility and delivery of goods so that he/she can avoid making a long journey for it.”
Once we had phrased out our challenge, it was time for us to dive into the creation of services that were needed, for that we had to begin with the stakeholders.
Considering all possible stakeholders, some of the key stakeholders are as following:
The subsidiary company we are calling Bell 2.0
Village resident
A business owner in the remote village
A business owner in the city
A service provider in the city
After the stakeholders study the moscow method was applied.
As we represented in our storyboard prototype, our main focus is to create accessibility to people and shops that are located in remote areas.
After a study of the customer journey map, we put all the information in a Blueprint. Here analyzed better each character of our service.
The involved parts are: the drones company, the local restaurant and the supermarket (supplier). They all are supposed to create connections each other and keep in touch through telephone calls, mails and a proper website.
In addition to the remote control that has to manage all the back office of the drone.
Investigation and data collection can help to reach new users and markets and to create a general and diffused awareness of the drones potential.
Stay tuned to see how our project is evolving,
Oriol Povill - Giulia Rossi - Anum Wazir