Our Berlin Field Trip 2014
A group of students and teachers of the Postgraduate Diploma in Coolhunting. Design and Global Trends of ELISAVA took, from the 25th to the 28th of November a field trip to Berlin to enjoy a learning experience outside the usual environment of the programme. During their stay in the German capital, the ELISAVA students participated in different activities which helped them explore the habits and trends in a place which is different from Barcelona.
It’s worth pointing out the workshops Berlin Underground in the Agora Collective with Daniela Marzavan, a teacher of the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW), Smartphone Citizen Journalism, with the journalist Robb Montgomery, Berlin Mainstream in the former centre of the Western Berlin with the director of the Postgraduate programme, Jorge Rodríguez, and a Design Thinking workshop in Dark Horse with the expert in innovation Diemut Bartl.
The students of the School also made the Berlin Underground tour through the fashionable Kreuzberg neighbourhood with Alternative Berlin and a tutorial for the Infographics final project with the designer and audiovisual producer Christian Schärmer from ProxiDesign.
This is the fourth year that the Master’s Degree in Research for Design and Innovation, MaRDI of which is part the Postgraduate Diploma in Coolhunting, bets on the field trip so that the students can have a different point of view for their final projects through activities and interviews to citizens from other cultures.