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Expanding horizons: Palmera Research

In the last 2 weeks we were very focused on the outputs we got from filling up our project canvas. In this opportunity, we reviewed with Soledad Jimenez, Palmera purpose, milestones, stakeholders, users, resources, constraints and risks. We also asked our client an agenda for feedback from the first presentation in order to ensure we are on the same page.

According to our project timeline, November and December are key months for research and analysis of our data. So the team was very focused on prospecting and recruiting speakers that represent our main archetypes. The interviews will happen in the following weeks.

Digging into Market Research

During Carla Guiterrez classes, we explored Market Research uses and many options of methodologies very useful to understand how and why people make decisions and the impact of that on business challenges. Palmera's main focus was on how to conduct a market research study beginning with the 3 first steps of the 6 we´ve learned (briefing, research proposal and fieldwork). Also the simulations we had as interviewer and interviewed help us a lot to understand how to kick off with our interview guide. During the class, we could recognise the value of Ethnographic research to bring insights from observing users on their real practices and environment.

Going beyond: Nethunting

With Eric Rubin Shelkowsky, we explored a set of online tools such as Google Advanced Search, Twitter Advanced Search and Brandwatch. Our insights are already very interesting and the team is in the process of coding the database we received from our Brandwatch query. In this analises our objective is “Understanding the conversation about sustainable fashion in English (in Spain)”.

Tracking last year online conversations on Brandwatch platform, since now we can already see that the pics of conversation were in Twitter between speakers that are influencers, media and companies, mostly. Users got into conversations RT mainly when celebrities, such as BTS band, were involved.

Also our Word cloud reinforces the relevance of the term “second-hand clothes” and the willingness to change that people have. From the perspective of trends, Environment-friendly fabrics, Support Sustainable Fashion, Circular Economy and the United Nations conversations gain relevance in Spain.

Finally, on our Google Trends research, our objective was to understand the volume of search globally and its characteristics for:

CIRCULAR ECONOMY (both spanish and english)



Here we identified that people are searching more about CIRCULAR ECONOMY in the last 17 years and that ROPA DE SEGUNDA MANO has also relevance in terms of interest of the users. It was very curious that FASHION WASTE search was more done in North America and Oceania and that TEXTILE WASTE was concentrated in India and South Asia.

And you, what have you been searching for?

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Jorge Rodriguez Nieto
Jorge Rodriguez Nieto
Nov 23, 2021

Good work team, check the names.


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