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BSDW18 Service Design Week Barcelona

Once again we are excited to organize our Service Design Week. This is the third one and we have called it BSDW18. This year we will have exciting challenges around Service and the collaboration of Payal Wadhwa from Fjord London, Elisabeth de Moretin from Roche Global Service Concept, Adriana Ojeda from Service Design México, Ariel Guersenzvaig from Elisava, Jorge Rodriguez, Daniel Zentgraf from Design Thinkers Group Spain and Robert Bloom from Design Thinkers Group South Africa with the Support of Julia and Carlos from MIDI Global Network.

Get your tickets for #BSDW18 at

This is how the program looks like:

Monday April 9th

17.30-19.30: Service Design Methodology with Ariel Guersenzvaig

19.15-21.15: Adriana Ojeda Service Design México Via Teleconference

Jorge + Cofacilitators: Pizza Boxes Delivery, Challenge Presentattions and Service Design Safari preparation.

Tuesday April 10th

17.00-18:00 Service Design Safari with Jorge Rodriguez, Daniel Zentgraf + MIDI Co-facilitators

19.15-21.15: Mapping services, paint/gain points observed during the safari

Wednesday April 11th

17.00-18.30: Redesign, New concept, Storyboard with Ariel Guersenzvaig

18:30 -19.00  Payal Wadhwa Fjord London Via Teleconference.

19.15-21.15: Elisabeth de Moretin Roche Global Service Concept

Thursday April 12th

17.00-19.30 Blue print Methodology with Jorge Rodriguez + MIDI Cofacilitators

19.15 19:45Robert Bloom from DTG South Africa Via Teleconference.

-21.15: Service BluePrint Workshop with Jorge Rodriguez + MIDI Cofacilitators

Friday April13th

17-19: Service blueprinting for new service with with Ariel Guersenzvaig

19.15-21.15: ArielGuersenzvaig & Jorge Rodriguez -Team Presentations and voting


Julia LaPuente MIDI Global Network

Carlos Ramirez MIDI Global Network


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