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Practical learning experience

5-10 hrs.


1 Token

What is HCD? What makes the “human-centred design” approach unique from other problem-solving approaches? This learning experience will provide you and your team with a new mindset focused on delivering value to fulfil the real necessities of your current and potential clients or users, saving resources in advertising and marketing and targeting needs instead of segments. A broad understanding of needs, behaviours and why people have certain approaches and perceptions about the goods or services your organisation provides.

Practical learning experience

Learning and social activities

3 hrs.


Get ready to plug in and elevate your listening experience with our dynamic online Podcast Club series. The habit of actualisation, critical thinking, discussion, and skills upgrade
New friendships and connections with fellow podcast enthusiasts from around the world, Inspiration and motivation to explore new podcasts, vlogs, and audio content beyond the Podcast Club, A sense of belonging and camaraderie in a supportive and inclusive community of passionate listeners

Learning and social activities

Learning and social activities

3 hrs.


This is a social-learning experience that combines an expert presentation of a specific topic. Team or community cohesion, an update on a central topic, discussion and resolution of a central topic, decision-making, discussion skills, critical thinking, stronger organisational culture. Enjoyable and unforgettable moments with a deep learning experience behind.

Learning and social activities

Learning and social activities

5 hrs.


0,5 Token

Encouraging participants to join in reading amazing books about not only innovation but several topics that enhance our professional and social skills. the habit of reading, critical thinking, and skills upgrade
A deeper appreciation for innovation literature and diverse perspectives
A socialisation and discussion space for positive interaction with teamates
Expanded knowledge and understanding of a wide range of topics
New friendships and connections with fellow book lovers from diverse backgrounds
Inspiration and motivation to continue exploring books and ideas beyond the Book Club
A sense of belonging and camaraderie in a supportive and inclusive community

Learning and social activities

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