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La Innovation Kitchen is happy to offer companies and institutions the best recipes for training their staff to acquire problem-solving and project innovation skills that help them navigate uncertain times and complex situations, with a growth mindset.

Our flexible online and offline learning experiences, (seminars, workshops, self paced challenges and training activities) have been carefully designed to match our changing times and combine exciting and precise tools to solve complex or time-consuming challenges.

All of our activities also include high-energy moments and a very motivational ambience, to boost your team´s efficiency and engagement with their jobs. They can happen in our space, your space, online or by visiting and interacting with top spaces and business leaders. We always keep in mind that people are the key to managing change and taking all the opportunities new times bring! 

Our new catalogue for your teams will activate their talent and help your organisation move forward!​ 

For quotes or topics not included in this section just contact us or ask for a meeting with our team.


You will be able to create documents, images, diagrams and charts that transmit information effectively. You will be able to explain complex ideas in a simple way. You will achieve a new level of communication and visualisation of ideas both in your mind and your hands, using AI, technology and existing visual resources. You will be able to create documents, images, diagrams and charts that transmit information effectively. You will be able to explain complex ideas thoroughly.
Enhanced creativity and problem-solving skills through hands-on exercises and practical applications of visual thinking and mind-mapping techniques.
Knowledge of a variety of tools and platforms for visual communication and digital mind-mapping, enabling participants to choose the best methods for their specific needs and preferences.
Confidence to express ideas and concepts visually, fostering clearer communication, deeper understanding, and more effective collaboration with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders.
Practical tips, tricks, and best practices for integrating visual thinking and mind-mapping into daily workflows, meetings, presentations, and projects.
Inspiration and motivation to continue exploring the limitless possibilities of visual expression and creative problem-solving in their personal and professional lives.

Ignite Your Professional Entrepreneurial Spirit with the Innovation StartUp Lab Workshop Series, designed to inspire, empower, and equip aspiring entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs. Ideation and Opportunity Identification: Nurturing Creative Sparks into Viable Business Concepts
Lean Startup Methodology: Validating Ideas, Building MVPs, and Iterating for Success
Design Thinking for Innovation: Putting Human-Centered Design Principles into Practice
Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition Design: Crafting Compelling Value Propositions
Pitch Perfect: Mastering the Art of Persuasive Storytelling and Investor Pitching
Marketing Strategies for Startups: Attracting and Retaining Customers in Competitive Markets
Financial Management and Fundraising: Budgeting, Forecasting, and Securing Investment
Scaling Your Startup: Strategies for Growth, Expansion, and Sustainability

Empowering Changemakers: Social Innovation Workshop for a Better World. Understanding Social Innovation: Concepts, Drivers, and Impact
Identifying and Defining Social Problems and Opportunities
Human-Centered Design Thinking for Social Impact
Collaborative Problem-Solving and Co-Creation Techniques
Building Sustainable Business Models for Social Ventures
Funding and Financing Strategies for Social Innovation Projects
Measuring and Evaluating Social Impact
Scaling and Amplifying Social Innovations for Systemic Change

Get ready to level up your creativity and revolutionize the way you think about service with our super cool workshop series. Unleashing Your Inner Creative Genius: Ideation and Brainstorming Techniques
Design Thinking 101: Empathy, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test
Mapping Customer Journeys: Understanding Needs, Pain Points, and Opportunities
Co-Creation Workshops: Collaborative Design Sessions for Innovative Solutions
Prototyping and Iterating: Bringing Your Ideas to Life and Refining Them
Storytelling for Impact: Crafting Compelling Narratives that Resonate with Customers
Implementing Service Blueprints: Turning Ideas into Actionable Plans
Measuring Success: Key Metrics and Tools for Evaluating Service Design Effectiveness

Navigating Cultures: A Journey Through Cultural Mapping and Analysis Workshop. Introduction to Cultural Mapping: Concepts, Methods, and Applications
Ethnographic Fieldwork Techniques for Cultural Observation and Analysis
Identifying Cultural Norms, Codes, Values, and Beliefs
Mapping Cultural Spaces and Places: Urban, Rural, Global and Virtual
Analyzing Cultural Artifacts, Symbols, and Rituals
Understanding Intercultural Communication and Conflict
Applying Cultural Sensitivity and Competence in Various Contexts
Creating Action Plans for Culturally Inclusive Business, Practices and Policies

Playful Innovators Unite: Design for Play and Gamification Extravaganza! Introduction to Design for Play and Gamification: Principles and Applications
Crafting Compelling Game Mechanics and Dynamics
Leveraging Behavioral Psychology to Drive Engagement
Designing Playful Experiences for Learning and Development
Gamifying Business Processes for Enhanced Productivity and Performance
Incorporating Playful Elements into Digital and Physical Environments
Prototyping and Testing Playful Solutions
Implementing and Sustaining Playful Strategies for Long-Term Success


Elevate your organization's innovation capacity and cultivate a culture of intrapreneurship. Deepened understanding of the principles, strategies, and best practices of intrapreneurship and its role in driving organizational innovation and growth.
Insights from real-world intrapreneurial experiences and case studies, offering practical lessons and inspiration for fostering intrapreneurship within your organization.
Enhanced intrapreneurial mindset, skills, and capabilities, including creativity, resilience, adaptability, and risk-taking, to drive impactful change and innovation.
Actionable strategies, tools, and techniques for identifying, nurturing, and supporting intrapreneurial talent within your organization.
Access to a supportive community of intrapreneurs, corporate innovators, and industry experts for ongoing learning, collaboration, and support on your intrapreneurial journey.

Crafted for project managers, teams, and professionals seeking practical tools and strategies to enhance project outcomes. Practical knowledge and skills to apply design thinking principles and methodologies to project challenges to see actual results.
Enhanced ability to empathize with project stakeholders and align project goals with their needs and preferences
Techniques for ideation, prototyping, and user testing to generate innovative project solutions and iterate for improvement and goal acommplishment
Strategies for integrating design thinking into project management processes and workflows for enhanced efficiency and effectiveness
Collaboration and decision-making techniques to foster teamwork and drive project success
Measurement and evaluation methods to assess project success and impact using design thinking metrics and KPIs
Actionable insights and best practices for leveraging design thinking to power projects and achieve tangible results
A network of like-minded professionals and experts for ongoing support, collaboration, and knowledge sharing

Building a Sustainable Future: The Business of Regeneration Webinar Series. A holistic understanding of regenerative business principles, methodologies, and best practices, informed by real-world examples and case studies.
Practical strategies and tools for measuring, reporting, and tracking the impact of regenerative practices on environmental, social, and economic outcomes.
Insights into building regenerative cultures and leadership skills that foster innovation, resilience, and long-term value creation within organizations.
Actionable implementation strategies for integrating regenerative practices into strategic planning, operations, supply chains, and stakeholder engagement initiatives.
Access to a network of peers, experts, and thought leaders in regenerative business and sustainability for ongoing learning, collaboration, and support.

Decoding Consumer Behavior: Unlocking Insights for Business Success in Our Practical Webinar Series. A comprehensive understanding of the key factors influencing consumer behavior and decision-making processes, informed by scientific research and empirical evidence.
Practical skills and methodologies for conducting market research, analyzing consumer data, and applying insights to inform marketing strategies and campaigns.
Insights from real-world case studies and examples of successful businesses and brands that have effectively leveraged consumer behavior insights to drive growth and profitability.
Actionable strategies and tips for optimizing marketing efforts, enhancing customer engagement, and building brand loyalty through a deeper understanding of consumer motivations and preferences.
Access to a network of peers, experts, and industry professionals for ongoing learning, collaboration, and support in leveraging consumer behavior insights to drive business success.

Empower Yourself: Join Our Citizen-Friendly Webinar Series on Digital Rights. A deeper understanding of key digital rights concepts and principles and their relevance to your everyday life.
Awareness of common digital rights threats and challenges and practical strategies for mitigating risks and protecting your digital privacy and security.
Access to user-friendly digital rights tools and resources to empower you to exercise and defend your rights online.
Confidence to navigate the digital world with greater awareness, agency, and resilience, armed with practical tips and knowledge to assert your digital rights effectively.
A sense of solidarity and community with fellow participants and digital rights advocates, united in our commitment to a free, open, and rights-respecting digital future.

For companies that start innovation processes and want to do it right from the beginning. Concepts, tasks, essential roles, processes and objectives. Building up an innovation program and its management! A profound understanding of the dynamics and principles underlying innovation and organizational evolution
Insights into the interplay between innovation and evolutionary theory and their implications for organizational change and adaptation
Strategies for fostering innovation ecosystems and cultivating a culture of creativity, collaboration, and continuous learning
Knowledge of disruptive innovation patterns and their potential to drive transformative change within organizations and industries
Understanding of cultural evolution dynamics and their role in shaping organizational identity and resilience
Leadership skills and frameworks for guiding evolutionary shifts and managing change in complex systems
Tools and methodologies for measuring and evaluating progress and impact in the innovation journey
A network of esteemed peers and experts for ongoing discourse and collaboration in advancing the frontier of innovation and evolution

Delve into the significance of trends and their relevance to your professional endeavours. This learning experience will provide you and your team with a mindset focused on a bigger picture, understanding the logic, unpredictability and opportunities that trends and social developments provide. Forecasting and foresight support planning and strategy understanding contingencies and risk. These sessions will be designed specifically for your organisation and industry once goals are set.

Anticipating Tomorrow's Trends: A Strategic Webinar Series on Social Trends Analysis for Business. Advanced methods and techniques for identifying, analyzing, and interpreting social trends data to inform strategic decision-making.
Insights from real-world case studies and examples of businesses that have successfully applied social trends analysis to drive innovation and growth.
Actionable strategies and recommendations for translating trends analysis into strategic initiatives and business opportunities.
Skills and expertise to anticipate future trends and disruptions, positioning your organization for long-term success and resilience in a rapidly changing environment.
Access to a network of peers, experts, and thought leaders in social trends analysis for ongoing learning, collaboration, and support in driving business innovation and growth.

Propel Your Organization Forward with Our Cutting-Edge Webinar Series. A comprehensive understanding of key business design concepts, methodologies, and best practices, informed by the latest research and industry trends.
Practical tools and frameworks for applying design thinking, lean startup, and digital transformation principles to drive innovation and growth within your organization.
Insights from real-world case studies and examples of successful business design initiatives, providing inspiration and actionable strategies for implementing similar approaches in your own context.
Confidence to lead change and drive results in your organization through effective application of business design principles and methodologies.
Access to a professional network of peers, experts, and thought leaders in business design, providing ongoing support, learning, and collaboration opportunities.
Elevate your organization's competitiveness and drive sustainable growth with our up-to-date webinar series on mastering business design. Join us and propel your business forward in today's dynamic and competitive marketplace!

online experiences

Step into a space of understanding and compassion with our heartfelt online talk series, focused on Human Empathy in Organizations. Enhanced understanding of the importance of empathy in organizational settings and its profound impact on workplace culture and performance.
Practical strategies and techniques for cultivating empathy in oneself and fostering empathetic behaviors within teams and across organizations.
Insights from real-world examples and case studies illustrating the benefits of empathy-driven leadership, communication, and decision-making.
Inspiration and motivation to champion empathy as a core value and catalyst for positive change within their organizations.
A supportive community of like-minded individuals committed to fostering empathy and compassion in the workplace.
Opportunities for personal growth, self-reflection, and continuous learning in a safe and inclusive environment.

Strategic Negotiation Mastery: Leveraging Design Thinking for Business Success. A deep understanding of design thinking principles and their application in negotiation contexts
Enhanced empathy and communication skills to uncover underlying interests and motivations in negotiations
Techniques for reframing negotiation challenges through a human-centered lens to unlock creative solutions
Strategies for collaborative negotiation that prioritize mutual value creation and long-term relationships
Proficiency in crafting persuasive narratives and using storytelling techniques to influence negotiation outcomes
Practical frameworks and tools to integrate design thinking into negotiation strategies for sustained success
Confidence to navigate complex negotiations with agility, creativity, and strategic foresight, resulting in favorable outcomes and strengthened business relationships

Mastering Complexity: The Art of Strategic Problem Solving. Understanding Complexity: From Chaos to Clarity
Systems Thinking and Analytical Frameworks for Problem Solving
Root Cause Analysis and Identifying Hidden Patterns
Adaptive Decision Making in Uncertain Environments
Creative Problem-Solving Techniques and Ideation Strategies
Collaborative Problem Solving in Cross-Functional Teams
Design Thinking Principles for Human-Centered Solutions
Navigating Ambiguity and Embracing Failure as a Catalyst for Innovation

Empowering Lateral Leaders: Igniting Influence and Impact. Embracing the Power of Lateral Leadership: Definition and Importance
Building Influence and Credibility Across Hierarchies
Effective Communication Strategies for Lateral Leaders
Navigating Conflict and Building Consensus
Fostering Collaboration and Teamwork Across Departments
Leveraging Networks and Relationships for Maximum Impact
Inspiring Innovation and Driving Change from Any Position
Cultivating Resilience and Adaptability in Lateral Leadership Roles

Navigating Performance Management: OKRs vs KPIs Demystified: Clear understanding of the differences between OKRs and KPIs and when to use each framework
Proficiency in setting SMART objectives and defining measurable key results
Skills to identify and select appropriate key performance indicators for tracking progress
Ability to align OKRs and KPIs with organizational goals and strategies
Strategies for effective communication and engagement around performance metrics
Tools and techniques for monitoring and evaluating performance at individual, team, and organizational levels
Insights into best practices for overcoming challenges and optimizing performance management processes

Building Resilience in a Dynamic World. Dive into a transformative journey towards organizational agility with our cutting-edge online course, "Agile Organizations: Building Resilience in a Dynamic World." Tailored for leaders and professionals navigating today's rapidly evolving business landscape, this program provides a holistic understanding of agile principles and methodologies, empowering participants to foster adaptability, innovation, and resilience within their organizations.

Profit Maximization Unveiled: Mastering Strategic Pricing Tactics. Understanding the Fundamentals of Strategic Pricing: Concepts and Frameworks
Market Analysis and Competitive Pricing Intelligence
Value-Based Pricing Strategies for Capturing Maximum Customer Value
Dynamic Pricing Techniques: Leveraging Data and Analytics for Real-Time Adjustments
Pricing Psychology: Influencing Customer Perception and Behavior
Pricing Optimization through Bundling, Segmentation, and Discounts
Pricing Strategy Implementation and Execution
Monitoring and Adjusting Pricing Strategies for Continuous Improvement

Unlock the potential of strategic pricing to drive business success and achieve unparalleled profitability in today's dynamic market landscape.

Sales Innovation Unleashed: Design Thinking Revolutionized. A deep understanding of design thinking principles and methodologies and their application in sales contexts
Skills to empathize with customers, uncover unmet needs, and develop solutions that resonate deeply
Techniques for ideation, prototyping, and iterative testing to refine sales strategies and offerings
Confidence to craft compelling sales pitches and presentations that capture attention and drive action
Strategies for leveraging storytelling and visual communication to create memorable sales experiences
Practical insights and real-world case studies to integrate design thinking into existing sales processes and workflows
A newfound ability to drive innovation, foster customer engagement, and achieve sustainable sales success in a rapidly evolving marketplace

Unleash Collective Brilliance: Mastering Collective Leadership. Embracing the Power of Collective Leadership: Principles and Frameworks
Building Trust and Psychological Safety in Teams
Facilitating Collaborative Decision-Making Processes
Leveraging Diversity and Inclusion for Collective Success
Fostering a Culture of Shared Purpose and Alignment
Amplifying Engagement and Ownership Across the Organization
Navigating Complex Challenges Through Collective Wisdom
Sustaining Momentum and Growth Through Collective Leadership Practices

Exploring Trends and Future Scenarios: Understanding Data Analytics: Techniques and Tools
Identifying and Analyzing Emerging Trends
Scenario Planning and Future Forecasting Methodologies
Harnessing Big Data for Strategic Insights
Predictive Modeling and Forecasting Techniques
Interpretation and Visualization of Data Trends
Ethical Considerations in Data Analysis and Future Prediction
Strategic Decision-Making in Uncertain Environments

Mastering Kaizen and Quality Control: Driving Continuous Improvement: In-depth understanding of Kaizen principles and their application in quality control
Proficiency in utilizing various tools and methodologies to identify and eliminate inefficiencies
Skills to lead and facilitate continuous improvement initiatives within their organizations
Enhanced problem-solving abilities and root cause analysis skills
Strategies for fostering a culture of collaboration, accountability, and innovation
Practical insights and real-world case studies to implement immediate improvements


Discover what you will be able to design, share and implement learning practices used in your own lives and organizations to enhance your team’s knowledge, confidence and creativity with innovative outcomes and high professional growth. As a Learning Experience Designer, you will be able to conceive and articulate the learning process of groups and communities and define the goals and growth they want to achieve in their learning process. Together with our own team and experts in behavioural design, pedagogy and learning, you will be trained on advanced experience design, learning tools and systems, and articulation of external existing resources to create learning experiences that last. Our new model for learning focuses on hands-on applied and live situations and sources that provide abilities, skills, knowledge and wisdom in any field.

Take the next step in your career journey and enroll in our online certificate program to become a certified Learning Experience Designer today!

Transforming data into concepts and a coherent discourse. This learning experience will provide you and your team with a new mindset focused on delivering value to fulfil the real necessities of your current and potential clients or users, saving resources in advertising and marketing and targeting needs instead of segments. A broad understanding of needs, behaviours and why people have certain approaches and perceptions about the goods or services your organisation provides.

Innovation Leadership. After we collaborated with the Institute of Leadership in the UK and the implementation of the Lead to Innovate Forum, we realised the urgency of supporting and training Innovation Leaders in all types of organisations who can contribute to navigating change and often chaos, with a resilience and assertiveness mindset.
This programme helps natural leaders to innovate and innovators to lead through a series of challenges, visits, personal and collective exercises and group reflections, that empower them to create and implement change and innovation within organisations. This is a deeply transformative experience intended for professionals who need to boost their internal power, creativity and innovation potential. Supported by Leadership professionals and Senior leaders in business, government and social enterprise. Guest speakers include inventors, business owners and technologists.

Unleash your inner entrepreneur and embark on an inspiring journey of innovation and growth. Practical insights, strategies, and tools for building and scaling successful startups.
Inspiration and motivation from real-world success stories and role models in the startup ecosystem.
Enhanced entrepreneurial mindset and skills, including creativity, resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving.
Access to a supportive community of peers, mentors, and industry experts for ongoing learning, collaboration, and support.
Confidence and empowerment to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams with determination and resilience.
Opportunities for personal growth, self-discovery, and professional development on your entrepreneurial journey.

Defining communication objectives, audiences, content and outcomes. This learning experience will provide you and your team with communication capacities at different levels upgrading your ability to create and distribute professional or personal stories through content, media and AI resources, story building and narrative styles, visual references and resources, a new approach to your communication practises, a better communication context.

other learning experiences

Provide you and your team with a new mindset focused on collaboration and, the development of value. In this particular learning experience, you will discover how to manage teams by managing actual teams. These sessions have been designed to apply direct tools to the management of existing or new teams. Using methods from the Design Thinking, Systems Thinking, Cultural Design and Service Design context in addition to activities and challenges you will discover the real talents, frustrations and collaboration potential of the members in your team(s).
This activity is a combination of gamified challenges, reflection, negotiation and co-creation to update and optimise the relationships, purpose and interactions in your teams.

This is a social-learning experience that combines an expert presentation of a specific topic. Team or community cohesion, an update on a central topic, discussion and resolution of a central topic, decision-making, discussion skills, critical thinking, stronger organisational culture. Enjoyable and unforgettable moments with a deep learning experience behind.

Encouraging participants to join in reading amazing books about not only innovation but several topics that enhance our professional and social skills. the habit of reading, critical thinking, and skills upgrade
A deeper appreciation for innovation literature and diverse perspectives
A socialisation and discussion space for positive interaction with teamates
Expanded knowledge and understanding of a wide range of topics
New friendships and connections with fellow book lovers from diverse backgrounds
Inspiration and motivation to continue exploring books and ideas beyond the Book Club
A sense of belonging and camaraderie in a supportive and inclusive community

Strengthen leadership and capitalise on or manage knowledge. Creating installed capacity in organisations is a fundamental activity to strengthen leadership and capitalise on or manage knowledge. Internal trainers are internal leaders who help the organisation or community evolve and guide their peers to a common purpose and success. However, these catalysts need to be trained and empowered in personal and technical skills. They need to develop confidence, knowledge and most of all the ability to mentor, capture and transfer the special know-how of your organisation.
Train the trainers is an in-house ongoing growth experience, based on a Continual improvement mindset, pedagogical and leadership ingredients, carefully and specifically designed for each organisation to boost the performance and internal culture of work and collaboration. Collective knowledge and wisdom are the main capital of any organisation, training your internal trainers and catalysts works towards the sustainability and the future of your organisation.

What is HCD? What makes the “human-centred design” approach unique from other problem-solving approaches? This learning experience will provide you and your team with a new mindset focused on delivering value to fulfil the real necessities of your current and potential clients or users, saving resources in advertising and marketing and targeting needs instead of segments. A broad understanding of needs, behaviours and why people have certain approaches and perceptions about the goods or services your organisation provides.

Get ready to plug in and elevate your listening experience with our dynamic online Podcast Club series. The habit of actualisation, critical thinking, discussion, and skills upgrade
New friendships and connections with fellow podcast enthusiasts from around the world, Inspiration and motivation to explore new podcasts, vlogs, and audio content beyond the Podcast Club, A sense of belonging and camaraderie in a supportive and inclusive community of passionate listeners

Empower you to master AI concepts and techniques in a fun and supportive environment. Proficiency in key AI concepts, techniques, and algorithms, enabling participants to design, develop, and deploy AI-powered solutions for diverse applications.
Hands-on experience with popular AI tools and technologies, equipping participants with practical skills and confidence to tackle real-world AI projects and challenges.
Insights from industry experts and experienced practitioners on best practices, tips, and strategies for successful AI development and deployment.
Access to a professional network of AI enthusiasts, researchers, practitioners, and industry experts for ongoing learning, collaboration, and career development opportunities in the field of artificial intelligence.

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