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Learn how to facilitate in every situation and enhance your leadership skills

Mastering Complexity: The Art of Strategic Problem Solving. Understanding Complexity: From Chaos to Clarity
Systems Thinking and Analytical Frameworks for Problem Solving
Root Cause Analysis and Identifying Hidden Patterns
Adaptive Decision Making in Uncertain Environments
Creative Problem-Solving Techniques and Ideation Strategies
Collaborative Problem Solving in Cross-Functional Teams
Design Thinking Principles for Human-Centered Solutions
Navigating Ambiguity and Embracing Failure as a Catalyst for Innovation

Online course

Innovation Leadership. After we collaborated with the Institute of Leadership in the UK and the implementation of the Lead to Innovate Forum, we realised the urgency of supporting and training Innovation Leaders in all types of organisations who can contribute to navigating change and often chaos, with a resilience and assertiveness mindset.
This programme helps natural leaders to innovate and innovators to lead through a series of challenges, visits, personal and collective exercises and group reflections, that empower them to create and implement change and innovation within organisations. This is a deeply transformative experience intended for professionals who need to boost their internal power, creativity and innovation potential. Supported by Leadership professionals and Senior leaders in business, government and social enterprise. Guest speakers include inventors, business owners and technologists.


Empowering Lateral Leaders: Igniting Influence and Impact. Embracing the Power of Lateral Leadership: Definition and Importance
Building Influence and Credibility Across Hierarchies
Effective Communication Strategies for Lateral Leaders
Navigating Conflict and Building Consensus
Fostering Collaboration and Teamwork Across Departments
Leveraging Networks and Relationships for Maximum Impact
Inspiring Innovation and Driving Change from Any Position
Cultivating Resilience and Adaptability in Lateral Leadership Roles

Online course

Strengthen leadership and capitalise on or manage knowledge. Creating installed capacity in organisations is a fundamental activity to strengthen leadership and capitalise on or manage knowledge. Internal trainers are internal leaders who help the organisation or community evolve and guide their peers to a common purpose and success. However, these catalysts need to be trained and empowered in personal and technical skills. They need to develop confidence, knowledge and most of all the ability to mentor, capture and transfer the special know-how of your organisation.
Train the trainers is an in-house ongoing growth experience, based on a Continual improvement mindset, pedagogical and leadership ingredients, carefully and specifically designed for each organisation to boost the performance and internal culture of work and collaboration. Collective knowledge and wisdom are the main capital of any organisation, training your internal trainers and catalysts works towards the sustainability and the future of your organisation.

In-house experience

Unleash Collective Brilliance: Mastering Collective Leadership. Embracing the Power of Collective Leadership: Principles and Frameworks
Building Trust and Psychological Safety in Teams
Facilitating Collaborative Decision-Making Processes
Leveraging Diversity and Inclusion for Collective Success
Fostering a Culture of Shared Purpose and Alignment
Amplifying Engagement and Ownership Across the Organization
Navigating Complex Challenges Through Collective Wisdom
Sustaining Momentum and Growth Through Collective Leadership Practices

Online course

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