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Entrepreneurs training for Banco Santander in Méxcio
La Innovation Kitchen trained 20 of the best Latin American entrepreneurs for the Spin Program sponsored by Santander in Mexico.

Training + Coaching

Our Partnership Ecosystem has developed a training program for the twenty best young entrepreneurs in Latin America at IDEup.


Each venture is a business idea that must be perfected to receive financing from Banco Santander's entrepreneur program.

Entrepreneurial teams competed for prizes of more than € 100,000. This is a program framed in RedEmprendia Spin2014 that aims to promote the best innovative ideas, geared towards entrepreneurship by university students in Latin America.


Design an intensive training program, using innovative tools. Like the generation of business models that are suitable for 20 completely different ideas. Finally, advise each entrepreneurial team to obtain financing.

Step One: Analyze
Review the material from nearly 300 youth applicants to the program and understand the range of needs of these entrepreneurs at the strategic, resource, and managerial levels. Review in detail the business plans of the 20 projects selected by online voting.

Step Two: Design
Create an intensive program that allows all proposals to evolve at the investment level.

Step Three: Execute
Execution of the program in Mexico City at the facilities of the Autonomous University of Mexico.

Project value
The specific development of customized tools for the group of entrepreneurs; considering the needs of the group in general, its level of experience and management, and including a degree of efficiency that elevates the projects to investment level.


20 teams trained in 3 intensive days.

Intensive project monitoring

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