Master in Research for Design and Innovation
Master in Advanced Design Management and Entrepreneurship

Conceived, designed, and implemented between 2009 and 2022 this program was a pioneer in Europe and America for training close to 500 innovators that work in the most prestigious companies and consulting agencies around the world today. The program combined technical, business, and soft skills that helped participants develop an innovator mindset and execute innovation processes.
More than 100 company projects developed by our teams for corporations, governments, and SMEs.
Today this program has transformed into the MIDI method and the MIDI Global Network and is open for anyone anywhere to learn and transform into an innovative mindset with a series of activities and challenges in a self-learning system
Check our blog for more information and updates.​
Provide a vision to introduce an area of strategic design programs to Elisava the Design and Engineering School at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, which has traditionally been focused on Product, Graphic, and Space design programs.
First Step: Understanding and Mapping
2007 was the end of local prosperity in The Barcelona Area, some big fashion and international events started going back home before the 2008 crisis. This context showed us the importance of trend analysis and strategic foresight not only among fashion and lifestyle companies but for all industries in general.
Second Step: Design and implementation of the pilot program
So we created the Program in Coolhunting, Design, and Global Trends in Spanish that started in 2008 as a short program of 6 months in Spanish. Top local industry creatives and researchers offered their experience and teams applied it to personal projects
Third Step: Consolidation, Tracking and Expansion of the program
in 2010 the program became a one-year Masters en Investigacion para el Diseño y la Innovacion ( #MIDIelisava ) serving Iberoamerican countries and the next year its English version Masters in Research for Design and Innovation ( MaRDI ) covered the demand for global students, and offered local and global companies the talent of skilled teams and mentors to develop 6-12 month innovation processes in parallel to their classes and workshops.
Value of the project
Companies like HP, Cirque du Soleil, Telefonica, Cisco, Procter and Gamble, Government of Colombia, Barcelona City Council, Doctors without Borders, and Government of Corrientes Argentina, among many other local SMEs and StartUps were able to work together with fresh minds to apply innovative methods and paths that brought a new vision and solutions to complex design problems.
The Learning-by-Doing system is combined with Project-Based Learning methodologies to train talented professionals ready to run projects, teams, and spin-offs in organizations.
More than 450 leaders from all continents today connected via the MIDI Global Network act in all industries and types of organizations around the globe.
A Self-learning method that allows anyone to be an innovator managed by La Innovation Kitchen.