La Innovation Kitchen

Apr 3, 2019

Design Thinking Week or The Game Changer Week!

E Agents

Design Thinking Week was very intense and exhaustive. But it

helped us to explore new perspectives of our challenge. The various tools and

methods involved in the DT process enabled us to assess and organise all the

information we had along with the new information we gathered during this week.

During this process, we explored different direction and toyed with multiple

new ideas, which in turn enabled us to reframe our challenge. By the end of the

week, we had a new challenge and a new solution in our hand. We prototyped and

visualised the latest version of our challenge.

For our client’s discretion, we are going to assign them a different name. let’s call them “Volt.”

Context mapping

Keeping in mind our challenge from last semester’s Volt project /HMW help Volt enter the Spanish market?/, we sketched an economic climate which tells us about the general situation around the…

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